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... by community working together

About Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels West Contra Costa County is a California Nonprofit Corporation recognized as a charitable organization under Section 501c(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Fed Tax ID 94-3160266.

Meals on Wheels West Contra Costa County

Get to Know  Us

Our Mission

Meals on Wheels West Contra Costa Region (WCC) exists to enable seniors to successfully age in place with access to high-quality support services that preserve and protect their dignity, quality of life, and independence. 

Our Challenge

Senior citizens aged 60 and older, are the fastest growing population segment in Contra Costa County. Many are homebound and unable to obtain nutritious daily meals to maintain their health and remain independent in the comfort and security of their own homes. Meals on Wheels of West Contra Costa must find the community resources to meet this rapidly growing need.

Who We Help

The average Meals on Wheels participant in West Contra Costa County is 65 years old, lives alone or with a family member, and has one or more chronic health conditions that prevents them from preparing or shopping for nutritious daily meals. Most live below the Bay Area basic low-income standards and many must choose whether to pay for food, medicines, rent or utilities with their meager resources.

Then and Now

Reverend Palmer Watson founded the program back in 1971, intending to provide sandwiches to the elderly community. The meals were initially served from the MacArthur Community Church. Today, the program is part of the Meals on Wheels of Contra Costa initiative, and the Senior Nutrition Program oversees the meals. The program has grown significantly over time and now provides daily nutritious meals to clients residing in West Contra Costa. Although the program no longer makes sandwiches, it still strives to ensure that its clients receive healthy and wholesome meals.

Meals on Wheels West Contra Costa County

2301 Rumrill Boulevard

San Pablo, CA,  94806-2904


9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Monday – Friday

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