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Seraphim Seleznev
Seraphim Seleznev

Matlab 2010b Download _TOP_

Both the source code and standalone executable versions ofeDom areavailable for download. Ifyou have MATLAB (version >= 2010a) installed, we recommend thatyou install the source code version. Thiswill allow you to interact with eDom as you would with any other MATLABlibrary or standalone package, manipulate and access the eDom variablesdirectly and integrate them with your own code (particularly useful forpower users), and generally take advantage of the most stable versionof eDom.

matlab 2010b download

Uncompressthe downloaded file to a location of your choosing and make note ofthat directory name. You can then add this directory to yourMATLAB path to interact with the eDom source files directly. To doso, you may either use the graphical interface(Menu-->File-->SetPath...) or via the 'addpath' command in the command line interface(type 'help addpath' in MATLAB for additional information).

The standalone executable version is broken down into twoseparatedownloads. The first consists of the MATLAB component runtime(MCR)which is required to run the standalone software. If you donotalready have this installed on your system, you will need to install itbefore running eDom.

Follow the on-screen instructions. Note: if you have MATLAB 2010a or 2010b installed and would like to install a toolbox that connects Maple with MATLAB, see Maple Toolbox Installation.

Double-click Maple15MacInstaller.dmg located on the Maple 15 DVD or double-click Maple15MacInstaller.dmg in the directory where you downloaded the file and then double-click the Maple15MacInstaller icon.

Run installMapleLinux located on the Maple 15 DVD or run Maple15Linux32Installer.bin from where you downloaded the file. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.

Run installMapleLinux located on the Maple 15 DVD or run Maple15LinuxX86_64Installer.bin from where you downloaded the file. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.

Double-click Maple 15 Installer located on the Maple 15 DVD or double-click Maple15MacInstaller.dmg in the directory where you downloaded the file and then double-click the Maple15MacInstaller icon.

Run installMapleLinux located on the Maple 15 DVD or run Maple15Linux32Installer.bin from where you downloaded the file. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option. Note: if you have MATLAB 2010a or 2010b installed and would like to install a toolbox that connects Maple with MATLAB, see Maple Toolbox Installation.

Run installMapleLinux located on the Maple 15 DVD or run Maple15LinuxX86_64Installer.bin from where you downloaded the file. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.

Run installMapleSolaris located on the Maple 15 DVD or run Maple15SunSolarisInstaller.bin from where you downloaded the file. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.

Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5, which is a free download from =E6E1C3DF-A74F-4207-8586-711EBE331CDC&displaylang=en. Note: Make sure that you install the Visual C++ Compiler component.

Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4, which is a free download from -us/windowsserver/bb980924.aspx. Note: Make sure that you install the Visual C++ Compiler component.

For the other solvers, Contact Us.-->For non-Stanford and non-UCSD personnel, please contact SBSI regardingthree types of license for the above solvers: Tier 1: Academic (and Nonprofit) SBSI Tier 2: Nonacademic individual and site SBSI Tier 3: Commercial redistribution OTL (Evan Elder) MINOS 5.6 is available in both Double-precision and Quad-precisionversions. If you need to solve linear or nonlinear optimizationproblems in Quad precision, please email Michael Saunders Input can be MPS files (which have limited data precision), or you can call subroutine minoss from an f90 program with floating-pointvariables declared real(16).MINOS 5.6 Double and Quad is available for large-scale linear programswithin the GAMS modeling system. Please see the DQQ (Double-Quad-Quad) procedure within the GAMS library:dqq.gms : Warm-starting quad-precision MINOS.TOMLABTOMLAB is a MATLAB environment for optimization.It provides an interface toMINOS, LSSOL, NPSOL, SQOPT, SNOPT,and many other solvers for many different problem types.TOMLAB at StanfordTOMLAB is installed on the Stanford Linux cluster (March 31, 2011). To gain access, login to the cluster (e.g. ssh corn) and proceed as follows: module load matlab matlab cd /afs/ir/software/matlab-2010b/tomlab startup cd examples democon


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